Apex Bol bars, named after Apex Team Rider Jess Boland! Apex is THE top brand in terms of quality in the entire scooter industry and the Bol Handlebars are a great example of that! Great care has been taken to make the very best bars possible, this includes sourcing the finest high grade certified Chromoly steel from the USA then shipping it to their own factory in Australia where it is precision cut, welded and then coated by highly skilled motor sport engineers. Every step of the process from raw material, to welding materials and coatings is the very best available giving you the best bars you can buy. 4130 Chrome Moly Steel Tig Welded, CNC Bent & Notched and Powder Coated / Chromed for High Scratch resistance.
- Tig Welded, CNC Bent & Notched
- Powder Coated for High Scratch Resistance
- 560mm Wide
- 620mm High
- 35mm Outer Diameter (Oversized)
- Designed for HIC
- Weight: 1.19Kg
- 4130 Chromoly Steel